Emergency Medical Technician


Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) – Advanced in the Healthcare Industry is also known as a lifesaver or paramedic. EMT-Advanced has more training and internship requirements than the EMT-Basic and can undertake additional tasks, administer a greater range of medication and perform more procedures.



Individuals at this job need to provide emergency medical support and care to individuals who are critically ill or injured and transport them to a medical facility within stipulated time limits.



This job requires individuals to work in a team and be comfortable in making decisions pertaining to their area of work. Individuals should be able to maintain composure in extremely stressful conditions in order to assess medical situations and perform emergency lifesaving procedures according to the methods in which training has been imparted to them. Individuals must always perform their duties in a calm, reassuring and efficient manner. The individual must be able to lift between 45 – 99 kilograms of weight with a partner, as the weight of patients will typically fall within that range. The fitness of the individual should be assessed using the Defence Man & Woman guidelines.

  • Understand clinical manifestations and principles of management of a large variety of medical and trauma related emergencies
  • TChoose for proper management of the patient
  • Demonstrate emergency interventions like defibrillation
  • Function effectively in varied clinical settings, namely Pre Hospital, emergency/critical care, ambulatory care settings
  • Take sound decisions regarding hospitalization, or timely referral to other hospitals for various care and recognizing his limitations in knowledge and skills in these areas
  • Select correct drug combinations for different clinical problems with thorough knowledge of their pharmacological effects, side-effects, interactions with the other drugs when then use it in the pre hospital settings
  • Work cohesively in Resuscitation team along with Emergency Physicians & the Nursing staff personnel and maintain discipline and healthy interaction with the colleagues
  • Communicate clearly and consciously, and teach other Emergency Medicine Professionals, the practical clinical skills required for the practice of Emergency medicine