X-ray Technician


X-ray Technician creates X-ray images of parts of human body to help physicians diagnose and treat various illnesses and injuries as accurately as possible.



Individuals at this job need to create X-ray images of parts of the human body using radiographic equipment under the guidance and supervision of Radiologist . They explain medical imaging procedure, prepare X-ray room & patient for procedure, operate & m a i n t a i n X-ray machine, record radiological supplies, prepare report & document under Radiologist’s guidance, maintain records and carry out other administrative jobs as needed in the department



This job requires individuals to work in a team and in close collaboration with Radiologist. They must be polite and be able to calm and placate upset individuals. They should be able to remain standing for long periods of time and must have strength to transfer and position patients for scans. They should have t h e capacity to visualize tw o and three -dimensional spatial

  • Acquire knowledge about the healthcare sector and diagnostic services
  • Determine radiological needs of the patient
  • Prepare the room & patient for the X-rayscans
  • Performradiologicaldiagnostictests suchas X-ray scans under the guidance of a radiologist
  • Ensureradiationsafety measures& act accordingly
  • Perform dark room techniques
  • CAssess faults in X-raymachine or process and perform remedial measures(Machine know how)
  • Demonstrate troubleshooting skills whenever required
  • Demonstrate polite and strategic communication skills, grooming skills, professional etiquettes
  • Practice infection control measures
  • Explain techniques to maintain the personal hygiene needs
  • Describe actions in the event of medical and facility emergencies
  • All standards, procedures and equipment should comply with Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) regulations and rules